Reliavue Shade Definitions


  • Total Solar Spectrum Wavelength of 300-2500 Nanometers (nm) (contains all of below)
    • Solar Ultraviolet Spectrum Wavelengths of 300-380 nm (causes fading/sunburn)
    • Solar Visible Spectrum Wavelengths of 380-780 nm (what is seen by eyesight)
    • Solar Infrared Spectrum Wavelengths of 780-2500 nm (causes temperature rise) Solar energy is transmitted/passed through, absorbed/collected by and/or reflected/rejected outwards as it relates to windows and window treatments.
  • Total Solar Transmission: Percentage of total solar energy (ultraviolet, visible and infrared) that is allowed to pass through a window and associated window treatments.
  • Total Solar Reflection: Percentage of total solar energy (ultraviolet, visible and infrared) that is reflected outwards by the window and associated window treatments.
  • Total Solar Absorptance: Percentage of total solar energy (ultraviolet, visible and infrared) that is absorbed or built up in the window and associated window treatments compared to the total available energy in the full solar spectrum. This is the amount of total solar energy that is neither reflected outside nor transmitted inside.
  • Shading Coefficient: A factor that defines the performance of a window and associated window treatments to control total solar energy by a measurement system based on clear, 3 millimeter thick glass. The lower the value the better the control.
  • Visible Light Transmission: Percentage of visible solar energy that is allowed to pass through a window and associated window treatments.
  • Ultraviolet Light Rejected: Percentage of ultraviolet solar energy that is rejected.
  • Glare Reduction: Percentage of visible solar energy that is not allowed (rejected) to pass through a window and associated window treatments. The near opposite of Visible Light Transmission.
  • Total Solar Energy Rejected: Percentage of the solar energy in the total solar spectrum that is reflected or absorbed by the window and associated window treatments.
  • Colour Rendering: A general expression for the appearance of surface colours when illuminated by light from a given source compared with the appearance when lit by some reference source.