Reliavue Shade Test Methods


  • The Total Solar Transmittance and Total Solar Reflectance have been determined from spectrophotometric data on the glazing system. The solar spectrum at air mass 2 is given by Moon 1 and the reflectance values corrected to absolute have been used.
  • The Visible Light Transmittance and Visible Light Reflectance have been calculated from spectrophotemetric data using the C.I.E. standard observer (C.I.E., 1924 and 1931) and D-65 daylight.
  • The Ultraviolet Transmittance has been calculated for the passage of solar ultra-violet radiation from 300 to 380 nm at air mass 2.
  • The Shading Coefficient and Total Solar Energy Rejected were calculated for summer conditions in accordance with methods given by ASHRAE. The conditions used were: Indoor temperature of 75˚F, outdoor of 90˚F, indoor air movement by natural convection, outdoor air velocity 6.3 m.p.h. and solar intensity of 248 btu/hr.-ft.2.
  • All of the data was obtained from typical production materials and are subject to normal film manufacturing tolerances. All the values given are intended for design use only. Performance data was obtained from internal tests performed 1-03/6-04 representing film specifications only (does not include glass). Where applicable, the film is tested with reflective surface facing outward.
  • Performance numbers are for shade materials applied to specific window types. Residential single-pane and dual-pane 1/8" (3mm) clear glass. Commercial single-pane and dual-pane 1/4" (6mm) clear glass.
  • Testing performed to ASTM Standards and performance values determined using LBNL Window 5.2 software.
  • The designer series meets the requirements of NFPA 701 Test Method 1- 2004 Edition.
  • Gauge on the textured shades is specified before embossing.

All technical information set forth herein is based upon tests which Solutia Inc. (together with its subsidiaries and affiliates, “Solutia”) believes to be reliable. However, Solutia does not guarantee accuracy or completeness. The buyer should conduct test of this product before use to determine suitability for the proposed application. Suggestions made concerning uses or applications are only the opinion of Solutia; and Solutia makes no warranty of results to be obtained. Solutia makes no representation or warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, with respect to the material. There are no warranties, express or implied, of merchantability, workmanship or fitness for a particular purpose. The responsibility of Solutia for claims arising out of breach of warranty, negligence, strict liability of otherwise is limited to the purchase price of the material. Solutia shall have no other liability for any incidental, consequential or punitive damages. Nothing herein is to be taken as a license to operate under, or a recommendation to infringe upon any patents.